Fieldstone Farmstead Inc.
Fieldstone Farm. is a micro farm located in Putnam County, New York.
Our mission is to create a self-sustaining and eco-friendly environmental experience for our visitors and guests. We use our 4 acres to educate ourselves and others about the importance of nature, minimizing our ecological footprint, and working harmoniously with the surrounding land to create a peaceful slice of paradise to escape to.
This is David Frankfurter. He can build you anything you want with his hands while making you laugh with his jokes. He believes in rust, dust, and a strong musk.
This is Kate Le Blanc. She can find at least two uses for anything and buys her clothes, furniture, and décor second-hand ... or she just makes it herself. She swears like a sailor and works like a dog -- as long as it's a perfectly cool 68 degrees with sunshine. She doesn't mind picking up poop.
About the Founders
David Frankfurter and Kate LeBlanc met online in 2016, and they had their first date on October 9th in Beacon, NY.
Over tacos, they laughed and talked about their dreams. One of Dave's dreams was to own alpacas. Kate had no idea what that dream would entail, but it seemed to align perfectly with her non-conformist lifestyle; after a quick Google search, she also discovered that alpacas were hilarious and adorable, and so, the dream evolved into a goal.
Flash-forward to 2020: the pandemic upended our lives in March, and we both found ourselves at home. We used that time together to move our 5 year plan up and started acquiring recycled materials, repurposing existing supplies we had, and building our farm in preparation for some feathered and fleeced friends.
We set out to build the garden first. Then, we used old wood pallets to build a chicken coop and run. After that, we got our first flock of chickens and set out to name them all with some kind of hen-pun. Plot twist: turns out we had two roosters. Nugget unfortunately passed away within the first 6 months, but Hennessey (the name stuck) is our flamboyant and friendly rooster who still causes chaos around the farm to this day.
After we settled the chickens into their new home and waited for the hens to start laying eggs, we worked at clearing the land to make room for an alpaca pen. We got in contact with another local alpaca farm to see what we needed to do to prepare, picked up our tools, and got to work. Within two months, we had the pen, the shelter, a catch-pen, and an over-the-top observation deck.
The farm was progressing more quickly than we originally thought and planned, so it was time to become official; we incorporated in early 2021, and we've been hustling to make our dreams a reality ever since.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
Henry David Thoreau
Visit Us
90 Crossroad Ct.
Stormville, NY 12582
By appointment only — send us an email.