Fieldstone Farmstead: Where the animals throw more shade than the trees.
If you love being glared at, ignored entirely, and/or pecked unsuspectingly while going about your business, then we have the place for you! At Fieldstone Farmstead, we guarantee you’ll experience a cool shade like you’ve never experienced before. It’ll chill you to your bones, so bring a sweater because these animals will cast their far-reaching shadowy shade… even on a cloudy day. Prepare accordingly because you’ll get side-eyed, cold-shouldered, and maybe even spit at. If you, or anyone you know, is in desperate need of some serious humbling, then I believe you’ve found an answer in Fieldstone Farm. It is our commitment to you that none of our animals (with the exception of LaLa) will show you any sort of affection or kindness, or your money back guaranteed. Our ladies, and even our over-the-top roosters, will give you a lesson in lobbing shade and looking fierce while doing it. Don’t believe me? Look at those vicious mugs below and tell me you’re not quaking in your boots.